Sunday, March 21, 2010

Another week, another weigh in

Well, I am sad to say, I didn't work out at all this week. No butt kickings from Jillian. Ugh. Anyways. I stuck to my points and it still paid off. I lost 3.8 pounds this week - bringing my total loss to 8.8pounds and bringing my weight to 204.

I only have 5 pounds to lose and then I'm under 200 again. It frustrates me because this was a milestone I met last year and then went above it. I can't wait for it to happen and I'm afraid it's going to happen RIGHT before Vegas and that will bring me back up. Oh well, I guess you just have to deal with the punches as they come, right?


Marketing Mama said...

Seriously, I can't believe you lost 3.8 pounds in one week? I can barely lose 1.5 in one week. I think maybe b/c my workouts include strength training, so I'm building so much muscle in addition to burning calories. Either way that's FREAKIN awesome progress, even if you didn't work out. :)

Kristie said...

You are doing great! Keep up the good work!