Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Weekly Weigh-In: Week 2

I forgot to log in yesterday to post my weigh-in results. I am sad to announce, there is no change in weight. Still 225. No gain, no loss. That's better than gaining, right?
I wasn't 100% committed to watching my food intake and well, I only did my workout once in the last week. I have already done it once this week so I'm off to a better start this week than last and I have been tracking my points as well! Way to go! Let's hope next Tuesday's weigh-in produces better results for me. If it's any consolation, I have decided to try and cut caffeine. I am on day 2 of no caffeine and I actually feel better!!


jason said...

Good luck on the weight loss.Stay focused although it can be a difficult road. I'll cheer you on.

Marketing Mama said...

Yes, definitely better than gaining. hang in there, stick to a plan one day at a time. You are doing great! :)

Anonymous said...

glad your feeling better..i'll take your caffeine lol.