Saturday, April 27, 2013

Let's try this again, shall we?!

Hey girl, hey!

So, it's been a while since I've been around here regularly - like 3 or 4 months. Lately I've been seriously missing my blog... big time. I think it's time to try and start back up. I can't promise I will post regularly, but I'll try and that's all I can ask, right?!

Just to give a rundown from the last time I was here. I got myself 100% together sometime mid-February and started myself back up on Weight Watchers. As of last Saturday I hit 20lbs lost. Well, I had some down days this week and ate when I shouldn't have and ate what I shouldn't have and had a gain. A 1.8lb gain. Ish.  C'est la vie. I move on and look to the future.

I'm always on Instagram, like seriously addicted to the damn app. (morethanjustmommy) Anyways, I follow quite a few fitness IG profiles and have found some new motivation which led me to think about some new goals.

I want to see what I can do with this body of mine.

I know I can lose weight and all, but I want to have the best body possible short of plastic surgery - cause I would get that shizz in a heartbeat buh-lee-dat! My thoughts and ideas are still just that, but the first step to achieving goals is to make a plan. Time to plan! I'll touch on that one more when I have brainstormed a few ideas.

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